Chapter 1.12: Time Just Flies

Well, here it was their family pie she made on birthdays. She couldn't believe it was Isobel's tenth birthday, Serene had turned three and Juniper declared she no longer needed birthdays because she no longer got older despite being human. "Children! Rug rats! Munchkins!" Juniper called up to them.

Isobel was the first to come downstairs, it was kind of depressing. Her little girl, was growing up so fast. too fast. Juniper could remember their first words, and how odd it was that they weren't spouting mama. Isobel's first word was broccoli, and Serene's was doll.

"Thanks mama," Isobel said as the grabbed a slice. Juniper sighed, smiling down at her little girl and watching as she walked out of the kitchen. Would there be a day when she walked out of this house, for good? Would there be a day when she had kids of her own? She supposed it was only natural, children grow and mature. They learn new things, but she couldn't imagine her little girls being on their own.

Even though her little girls were growing up much too fast for her liking, Juniper wouldn't trade those moments for anything. The moments where she couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments....
The nerve racking and thrilling moments

The not always glamorous moments....

The moments she couldn't live without

Juniper was selfish, somewhat, she never wanted her children to grow up. She wanted them to stay little, to stay with her and to forever be innocent. She didn't want them to suffer, to get hurt or to ever know what it was like to truly be afraid. Yet, she knew there was nothing she could do to prevent them from growing up, no magic potion or spell to keep them little. Her children would grow up, and they would experience things she wanted to protect them from.

Perhaps one day, they would have their own children and they could all relate to those moments. Relate to hoping they never grow up, never get hurt, and never feel alone. 


  1. Don't all parents feel that way at some point? Then they get over it! Lol.

  2. She could turn them all vampires again and they'll all be young adults together forever!! Or, she can let them live their lives. Flip of the coin really, haha.


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