
Showing posts from January, 2018

Chapter 1.62: To Our Family

"Hey Mom," Rylan said, grinning at me. He looked like his father in his little outfit for our wedding except for his hair which he got from me. It was almost off setting to see a little black haired Seth running around and at times I was almost scared for him. Would our son inherent our families drama? The horrible secrets and heart break that we had went through? I didn't want any of that, not one day of hurt or despair for my children. Today wasn't a day to worry though instead today was the one day where the past could no longer hurt us. Today was going to be the first of many days where we weren't afraid of what was to come. Today was our wedding day. "What's up little man?" I asked. "Oh, I just wanted to say you look really pretty in your wedding dress," Rylan said, blushing a little. I smiled back at him. He was such a kind little boy, he had been a light in our darkness and finally we could give him a life without worry. &qu

Chapter 1.61: A Night to Remember

Authors Note: There is another time jump after everyone was reunited and the introduction of cats and dogs! I hope everyone enjoys the coming chapters! I couldn't believe it was finally happening, and after everything had happened I felt like it was a dream that would never come true. It always felt so far off into the future and so distant but now here I was on the very day I thought would never happen. It was hard to believe that a year ago they were in this very spot.... I couldn't breathe as I looked down at him on his knee looking up at me expectantly with that shiny little ring in his hand. My heart was going a million miles an hour and my eyes were wide with shock. He had tonight would be one to remember but I wasn't so sure, after all what made it so special? "Isobel Clair Bay, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and make me the happiest man on this crazy planet?" Seth had asked me. "Oh Seth....," I whispered, still in shock