Chapter 1.35: Here For You

Authors Note: The Point of View is now changing to first person from here on! 

I couldn't believe it, and I don't mean that lightly either because they were both talking so fast and then they started screaming at each other. It was so scary and I just wanted my daddy to make it all stop, but he was dead. Now all I had was Isobel but I don't think she is living with me anymore at least not after what Mama said a few days ago.

Everything was so messed up now, who is going to hold me when I get scared if Issy is gone? No one, there is no one left to hold me. But you know what, it's all Mama's fault! If she didn't tell Isobel to leave then I would still have someone. Mama makes everyone leave, but I've had enough and as soon as I tell my friends what I heard I'm going to get my sister back.

"So Ashton, this is Abby and she's our new recruit. I found her being bullied by the mean kids at recess the other day and I think she's pretty cool! She also mentioned that she knows a thing or two about vampires," I told him. He smiled politely at Abby, and I nodded because well I like Abby. Girls have to stick together, right?

I was trying really hard to keep it together and it was hard because everyone's family was perfect except for mine; I had a broken family. Ashton and Abby looked each other than looked at me as I sat there quietly. I was stuck seeing my sister pack up and leave the house with my mama yelling after her, it was so so bad.

"You sounded upset on the phone, what's wrong girl?" Abby asked.

"Oh.... it's nothing," I lied.

"Ser-Ser, you can tell me. I won't tell anyone," Ashton said, using my old nickname. Tears started coming down my face, Isobel had given me that nickname when I was a toddler. "Serene?" Ashton asked, he looked worried.

"Mama kicked Isobel out of the house," I said through my tears. Abby gasped, and covered her mouth in shock, Ashton's eyes widened as he shook his head. "That's not all," I whispered. "I heard Mama yell that she used to be a vampire," I cried.

"WHAT?!" Ashton yelled. I nodded, and Abby patted my shoulder encouragingly, but I felt nothing. I wanted Isobel back and now I had something on my Mama.

"Do you know why?" Abby asked.

"Isobel said she was an adult and Mama got really mad when she said something about her missing something," I said quietly. I didn't really know what she missed but it must have been important or else it wouldn't have gotten Isobel kicked out.

"OH MY GOD! I think I know what she was missing," Abby said. "My sister has these squishy papery things that she uh uses to stuff up a hole so blood don't come out, could she be missing them? Your mama might not want blood everywhere and gave her the boot!" Abby said.

"I don't know, I just want my sister back!" I said and sniffed some. All the books I've read talked about big happy families and parents being supportive but yet my family was far from those pretty pictures.


  1. These squishy things! Oh no! I had it all wrong. She kicked her out because she was pregnant! The next gen has been conceived! I wonder why she told her she used to be a vampire? She was super mad! And the plot thickens. Serene now hates her mom too! For kicking out Issy and for being a vampire.

  2. I can't wait to see what Serene does with the knowledge that her mother used to be a vampire! I wonder how her friends can help.


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