Chapter 1.41: Words of Wisdom

"I can't believe you are actually having this baby," Allen said, looking at my stomach like it was something evil. "Why didn't you abort it?" he demanded to know.

"Allen! I can't believe you said that! God, I would never abort Seth's baby!" I said, glaring at him. Allen has been my best friend for years, but ever since I told him about Seth's baby he's been acting even moodier than normal. "What's gotten into you?" I asked.

"You don't even know him! Have you even met his parents? Seriously Issy, don't you think it's a little sketchy how they have all that money and you haven't even met their parents?" Allen asked me. I did find it a little strange, but at the same time I wasn't going to pry into something that wasn't my business.

"Are you going to my mom's party this evening?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Wow, not even going to answer my questions? What are they doing to you over there?" Allen asked, shaking his head. "Yeah, I'll be there," he eventually said. "Look, I'm not trying to upset you. I just don't trust them, and you are only sixteen. You're birthday is in a couple of weeks, but still this is so big. Promise me that you will be careful," he said.

"I promise," I said.



  1. Hmmm... I am trying to understand if that was her moms party. And there was an alien there? Does Allen like her as more than a friend? So he's jealous? But he does bring up some good points about Seths parents.

  2. Allen made some good points about Seth's family, I hope Isobel listens to him. Not about aborting the baby, but about getting to know the family she's about to join better.


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