Chapter 1.64: Gone Again

Welcome to Gen Two, and all the twist and turns this generation holds!It will definitely be a smoother ride than Gen One but still enjoyable.... I hope? There will mention and use of drugs, sexual encounters and potentially other heavy topics. 



"Do your homework," Mom said, as she walked out of the house. I waited until the door closed before following her outside, and watched from a distance as she went into the building in the back yard. I wasn't allowed in that building, not now or ever as mom said. I wasn't even allowed to ask about the building or bring it up, but that didn't mean I couldn't wonder. 

I watched as she went up the stairs, not caring to look behind her as she usually didn't when she went in there. Normally when I looked around the door and around the building it smelled odd, kind of like a skunk got angry but also kind of good. I wanted to know what was in there so bad, but I knew better than to ask what was in the building. The last time I had asked about the building mom got really mad at me and didn't talk to me for the best of the night.

I flinched as I recalled what she said before storming off that night, and frowned.

"You ungrateful little brat! I didn't raise you to question me!" Mom had yelled. 

 "I-I'm sorry! I'm just curious!" I had yelled back. It was always the same response when I had asked, the same names and same anger at me.
"Curious?! Why would you be curious about something at your own house?! What is there to be curious about?!" Mom had yelled, glaring at me. 

"You never let me in the building! I just want to know!" I cried at her, trying to understand why she was being so mean. 

"You don't need to know! It's not your damn business, and the next time you ask such a ridiculous question you can sleep somewhere else!" Mom shouted. I wiped the tears off my face, and had ran up stairs to my room slamming the door shut.

I hadn't wanted to make mom angrier so I made up a reason for why I was crying, and told him my cat had ran away. Rylan was the always making me laugh when I needed to and joking about silly things which was great because I needed him to. I needed both him and Kealyn to cheer me up most nights, especially if mom wasn't being very nice. 

I sighed, frowning more as I stared off into the distance watching her leave me alone again as she hid in the building. Was whatever in there more important than me? Was that why she was always outside or in the building or asking Mr. Ruff for more things? I didn't know, but I wish she was home more as I went back into the house before I got caught snooping around. 

A few hours later mom came back inside the house, smelling funny again and stared at me. "I'm sorry, I know you must feel ignored. Why don't I buy you a nice dress and maybe a kitty?" Mom asked. I didn't want her to get upset with me, so I smiled and told her that I'd love another nice dress to wear. Mom smiled, it was a little lopsided and then she said, "ok, I'm going to go out and buy one now then. I'll be back later, make sure you get your homework done."

Hours passed, and mom still wasn't back yet. It was 1:00 AM and mom was gone again....


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