Chapter 1.66: Don't Worry Sweetie


"Hey Maxie, do you think your mom will be okay with staying at my place tonight?" I asked her, thinking it was a good night to have a sleep over.  I already knew my parents were going to be fine with it, they always were. We all went to church together and Mom knew Rylan's parents pretty well so they didn't worry about who I was with.

"Probably," Maxine replied, smiling. I was a little jealous of her hair sometimes, it was always so pretty and I loved that it was kind of gold in the sun. Mine was just red, like my dad and sisters hair was.

 Oh well, I have what I have and mom always says to be grateful so I guess I will. 

"What about your parents Ry?" I asked. I already knew the answer but I would ask anyways, because I could be wrong. 

"Oh yeah, Dad won't mind and Mom is like your moms best friend or something. It's kind of weird," Rylan said, sighing. Rylan felt more like a brother to me than a friend because of how close our moms were and even our dads got along really well.

Yeah... Ry, you might as well be my brother.

"Cool, I guess it's settled then. We should stop by Maxie's house to make sure her mom won't get mad," I said. Maxine was a little defensive when it came to going to her house to play but it was fine, there were other places to play.  We would just wait outside so her mom wouldn't get mad.

"Good idea," Maxine said and Rylan jumped off the carousal which it sent it spinning....

"Rylan!" I giggled as I was thrown off it. I landed a foot away with an oomph and rolled over laughing. 

Who knew that flying off a carousel could be so fun...

"Oops," Rylan said, smiling. Maxine had grabbed on for dear life and was sprawled out on it meanwhile Rylan was laughing at us. "You ok, Maxie?" he asked. 

"Yeah... just a little.... dizzy," Maxine said, sighing. Sometimes I wondered if she knew how to have fun, but then again the blonde princess was always fun.



"Okay, stay right here," I told them both as I went inside to ask my mom. I had to hurry up and ask her because I wasn't sure if Mr. Ruff was here or not. He made me really uncomfortable sometimes, an he would say things.... 

Please don't be here.... Please don't be here.... Please don't be here....

"Maxine, dear, there you are. I was worried about you," Mom said as I walked into the kitchen. She was worried about me? The house didn't smell funny right now, and she seemed... herself at the moment. 

"I was with Rylan and Kealyn," I told her. "Is it okay if I stay at Kealyn's house tonight? It's a sleepover, I will be back in the morning, ok?" I asked. I was going to leave it at that, but then I heard something upstairs and realized that he was here. My stomach twisted into knots at the thought of him. "Mom...." I whispered. 


"Don't worry sweetie, I had a talk with him. He won't bother you again, why don't you go on with your friends to the Folly's and stay there as long as you like," Mom said as she hugged me tight. He scared me, and Mom didn't like it when I was here when he was here too. I had told her some of things he had said once and it made her angry. She promised he wouldn't say anything to me again, but a small voice in my head wasn't so sure.

"Thank you Momma," I said, and then ran out of the house as I heard the stairs creak.


  1. I’m so sorry but Imhave lots of questions. Did Keylean or Maxine that fly off the carousel? It seemed like it was Kaylean. Also who are Kaylean and Maxine? I get that they are friends of Rylan, but not how they might be connected other than just as random friends...And whoever fell, did she get hurt bad? It looks like Maxine went to her mother and is upset, but because she is hurt or someone else was....also who was she not wanting to be here when she said don’t be here? This was a very cryptic chapter, but maybe it was meant to be... 😂


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