Chapter 1.68: Little Sister


"I'm going to get you!" I yelled you, chasing after Destiny with my water gun. I couldn't but to smile, and laugh as she screamed trying to get away from stream of water going towards her. "Come on Des, you can do better than this," I said, giggling.

"Get you! Get you!" Destiny said as she giggled. "I get you Rys!" she yelled turning around and shooting me with a stream of water as I threw my hands up in the air in mock anger.

"Arg! Now I'm all wet!" I said. "Now what will do? Oh wait.... I can do this!" I said, turning around blasting her with water.

Destiny shrieked as the water got her and looked down at herself giggling. "Now I wet too!" Destiny said, giggling even more. I nodded, and stuck my tongue at her which she mimicked, sticking her tongue out at me. "Rys, I got secwet!" Destiny said, smiling at me with those grey eyes of hers.

"You have a secret?" I asked, trying to figure out what secret a four year old possibly have. It couldn't be beyond hiding extra crackers, could it? "What's your secret?" I asked.

"Here," Destiny said, pointing next to her. I sighed, and went over to where she was pointing as she grabbed my arm. Destiny tugged me down so I was on my knees then she shrieked and blasted me with water.

"Destiny!" I yelled, laughing. I couldn't believe I was tricked my four year old sister and now I was soaked. "You little trickster!" I said, laughing even harder. She was now shrieking with laughter as I sat there completely soaked and shook my head.

"I winner!" Destiny cheered, doing a little dance. "Rys, you mad?" she asked, pouting as I still sat there. "No be mad! Rys!" she said. Destiny toddled after me as I got up and headed back towards the back porch. "Rys! No be mad!" Destiny said.

"I'm not mad at you Des," I said, smiling at her.

"Rys," Destiny said as we sat there for a little while. "You my best fwiend," she said. I couldn't help but to smile at that and I wrapped my arms around her. She may have tricked me, but I would let her trick me all day, any day to see her laugh and smile like she is now.

"Do you know what a best friend is?" I asked, still holding her close.

"You is best fwiend," Destiny replied.


  1. Aww - what a sweet chapter. <3 Ryland and his little sister. So cute. How old is he in this chapter? I loved the poses with the water gun! Those were great!


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